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CIPA USA White H11 Spectras Xenon bulbs rated 5000K projecting 1000 lm

SKU: 153767773


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EVO Formance Spectras Xenon H11 Ultra-White Halogen Headlight Bulbs are the whitest performance oriented halogen bulb on the market rated at 5000K while projecting 1300 Lumens. They will outperform the brightness levels of factory headlight bulbs. A mixture of pressurized xenon, halogen, and argon gasses combined with a high quality filament allows for only 65/75 watts of power while emitting upwards of 90/100 watts of light. In addition to emitting more light, they maintain safe heat levels which give them a long bulb life. Spectras Xenon’s are rated at 800 hours bulb life which is comparable to standard factory headlights, and is much greater than similar high brightness and high whiteness aftermarket bulbs. Their long life, low heat, increased tone and high quality filament will outperform factory headlight bulbs. Spectras Xenon’s operate at 12 volts and will not damage or melt any of the vehicles existing electrical components. The Spectras Xenon’s are application specific. For off road and decorative use only. Check state and local laws. Don’t Change” Evolve
White H11 Spectras Xenon bulbs Ultra white light rated 5000K projecting 100 lm. Spectras Xenon’s operate using a 12V power source and consumes about 75 watts of power. Lifespan of about 800 hours. Includes 2 free Ultra white T-10 bulbs.
Title: CIPA 93389 EVO Formance Spectras Xenon H11 – Ultra White Halogen Bulbs – Twin Pack
Category: Finished Good
Color: White
Finish: Quartz
Size: H11 – bulb size
One of the whitest 5000K bulbs on the market with intense Ultra White color; Special blend of pressurized gasses which increases brightness, color, and bulb life; 75W actual power consumption = upwards of 100W light emitted; Package includes 2 free Ultra white T-10 bulbs; 100% Plug and Play

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